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How to Master PET Mold Design

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PET (polyethylene glycol terephthalate )is a commonly used plastic material,which is widely used in packaging containers for food,beverage,pharmaceuticaland cosmetic industries.As one of the plastic molds,the design of PET molds has an important impact on the quality and cost of products.

1.Understanding the properties of PET materials

PET material is characterized by high temperature resistance,chemical resistance,high strength,good transparency,etc.Therefore,the thermal expansionand contractlion,shrinkage and fluidity of PET material need to be considered when designing the mold to ensure the quality of the final product

2.Choosing the right mold steel

PET mold materials are usually selected from higher hardness steel such as P20,718,NAK80 to ensure wear resistance and corrosion resistance.Inaddition,due to the strong thermal expansion and contraction properties of PET material,its thermal expansion and contraction coeficient should also beconsidered when selecting the mold material.

3.Reasonable design of mold structure

The design of the mold structure directly affects the molding effect of the product and the service life of the mold.In the design of PET mold,overly complexstructure should be avoided so that the mold is easy to process and maintain.At the same time,attention should also be paid to the cooling system of themold to ensure the surface quality of the product.

4.Consider the shape and size of the product

The design of PET mold should be determined according to the shape and size of the product to ensure the precision and appearance quality of the product.In the design process,the thin-wall structure,strength and extrusion speed of the product should also be considered to avoid defects in the product.

5.Reasonable seting of product gates and stamping notches

The setting of gate and stamping notch directly affects the appearance quality and wall thickness distribution of the product.In PET mold design,the gateand stamping notch should be set reasonably according to the shape and size of the product,and the heat shrinkage defects of the product should bereduced by optimizing the design.

6.Pay attention to the surface quality and polishing of the mold

The surface quality of PET material requires high quality,so the surface quality of the mold and polishing technology is also especially important Whendesigning the mold,the surface smoothness and glossiness of the product should be considered and the appropriate polishing method should be selected toachieve the best surface quality.

7.Enhance cooling measures for molds

Cooling measures of PET molds have an important impact on the molding effect of the products and the service lfe of the molds.When designing the mold,the thermal expansion and contraction properties of the material should be fully considered,and the cooling system should be set up reasonably in order toimprove the surface quality of the product and production efficiency.

8.Enhance the maintenance of the mold

The maintenance and upkeep of the mold is also very important for extending the service life of the mold and improving the production eficiency.In theprocess of use,the wear and tear of the mold should be checked regularty,the damaged parts should be replaced in time,and the necessary maintenanceshould be carried out In addition,attention should also be paid to the maintenance environment of the mold to avoid damage to the mold due toenvironmental factors.

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